Saturday, February 24, 2007

Valentines Day...

Since I have been here I have been privileged to have an insight of what it means to be a part of a church staff. I feel like I have learned so much, and I have been truly blessed to work and interact with some amazing people. I know I’m continuously being stretched, as I continue to grow in my life and who I am. I have been learning to be a voice among other people- to share my opinion, my ideas, and to step out, not being afraid to be heard. I have a better understanding of different involvements that the church has, and the important roles the staff have within that. There is a lot of prayer, obedience, waiting, dedication, and organization in serving the church and having a willingness to be part of that. It is really interesting and giving me a new perspective of all the work that it takes to prepare. I have been able to help plan, pray- for the church and with others; coming in agreement before the Lord, healing and situations. It has been an amazing experience to be part of things that are taking place. I have seen first hand, God taking different needs into His own hands, and providing. God truly is a miracle worker, and a God that loves and cares! It is so important to remember not to underestimate God, but believe with all our hearts that He can, and He will!
Friday, February 16th, the youth held another fundraiser. This was a Valentine’s Day Fundraiser: It was a dinner that was prepared for couples. There were different responsibilities that the youth had, but they were able to work together, and make it all a great success. Some of them were in the kitchen cooking and preparing the food, while others were designated to tables, serving the meal, desert, drinks and refills. All of the youth provided entertainment. We had the worship team play some music and sing songs, the drama team presented a few skits, and the puppets were going to perform a puppet show. We turned the church sanctuary into a restaurant theme. We had tables decorated with candles and decorations. It was a blast, and the youth really stepped up and did an awesome job!
Be Blessed!
- Love Kalena

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


(We were eating these mini oranges we found on a tree- they were very sour. lol) In 2008 the youth would like to go to the youth convention in San Antonio, Texas. We have been keeping busy, but having a lot of fun working towards that goal. As a youth group we are doing a bunch of fundraisers and projects. One weekend we had a car wash at the church. There were kids washing cars, and each other, while others decorated, and held up signs. It was a really nice day, and we all had a lot of fun. On a Saturday, just for a group activity, we took the youth to Talafofo caves. We hiked to the caves, and then explored two different ones. They were very neat, and each unique. We had flashlights so we could see because there was no light. After that we then hiked up to a place called kissing rock. We ate lunch, and had time to hang out, walk around, and talk. We also have a few more fundraisers and events coming up that I'm looking forward to. I'm sure they will be just as much fun!

Please pray for the church and the youth here. We have been very blessed, as our youth group has been growing. I'm enjoying my time here, and really feel like God has been opening more doors of opportunities for me. If you could continue to pray for me that I will have confidence in these new opportunities. I pray that my involvement here will not only help and bless others, but bring glory to God- in all that I do! Thank you so much!
Be Blessed!~ Love Kalena

Saturday, February 3, 2007

OpEn HoUsE

On January 21st we held an open house. There was lots of preparing (started preparing 2 weeks in advance..), and tons of food. My family that I'm staying with does this every year, as a way of celebrating each year spent on Guam. This year was their 21st year. All local parties have local food, but as a way of preserving Canadian tradition, we make western finger foods. It is a way of sharing our traditions with the people here. People really seem to enjoy it. It was an awesome chance to visit with everybody. I was very excited as I found this was a time I got to spend with some of the youth specifically, and get to know them more. This was a very fun evening!
~ Kalena